The Redistricting Data Hub is your one stop shop for election results, voter turnout, demographic data, boundaries and anything else you need to draw and analyze redistricting maps
Browse the data available for each state and download datasets individually.
There are two ways to access data: create a free account and download individual datasets or register as an API user and download multiple datasets at once
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Browse the data available for each state and download datasets individually
Request access to use our Application Programming Interface (API) to download multiple datasets at once
We are in the process of collecting and creating new data.
Data available for download that were created by request. We are continually uploading new data, but you can request that we prioritize creating and rehosting certain datasets.
Testimony is available to download from 22 redistricting bodies in 14 states.
The Community of Interest Map Collection Project aims to collect COI maps submitted to legislative and congressional redistricting bodies and organizations during the 2021 redistricting cycle.
Find sources of data, information, and organizations working on local redistricting in your state.
Our help desk team can answer your questions about our data and the redistricting process. Send them a message and they will respond within one business day!
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Our team keeps this list updated regularly with new or updated data that is uploaded to the site.