Find out who is organizing around Redistricting in your state.
This is a list of groups who are organizing around Redistricting in this state.
Virginia Civic Engagement Table
- Website: engageva.org/redistricting
- Mission:
The Virginia Civic Engagement Table strengthens and connects Virginia’s progressive nonprofit organizations and activists and acts as a hub for the larger progressive community. We believe our Commonwealth works best when every voice is heard. Our partners work together to advance equality, justice, and opportunity, to win shared policy victories and strive to engage underrepresented communities in the democratic process.
- Website: onevirginia2021foundation.org
- Mission:
OneVirginia2021 is dedicated to ensuring that Virginia leads the way in improving the structure of our electoral system to better reflect the will of voters, thus providing for a more representative, inclusive, open, and transparent government.
New Virginia Majority
- Website: newvirginiamajority.org/expanding_democracy
- Mission:
Working class communities of color have been shut out, silenced and ignored in Virginia, fueling widespread injustice in the state. New Virginia Majority builds the power of marginalized communities to change the political systems that aren’t working for us.
League of Women Voters Virginia
- Website: lwv-va.org/redistricting/
- Mission:
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
ACLU Virginia
- Stakeholder
- Website: acluva.org/en/issues/voting-rights
- Mission:
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Virginia is a private, non-profit organization that promotes civil liberties and civil rights for everyone in the Commonwealth through public education, litigation and advocacy with the goal of securing freedom and equality for all. The ACLU is non-partisan and does not engage in electioneering on behalf of any candidate or candidates at the local, state, or national level.
Virginia Coalition for Open Government
- Website: opengovva.org
- Mission:
The Virginia Coalition for Open Government engages citizens to monitor the actions of their state and local governments as part of the democratic process. The coalition is a non-profit, non-partisan membership organization that presses for access to public records, meetings and judicial proceedings.
Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP)
- Stakeholder
- Website: www.vpap.org/redistricting/
- Mission:
The nonprofit Virginia Public Access Project elevates public understanding of politics and government by organizing and presenting information in ways that are easily accessible and free of partisan bias.
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Access the redistricting process in this state
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ParticipateSpecial thanks to our volunteers for their hard work collecting information for this resource!