New Hampshire
Find out who is organizing around Redistricting in your state.
This is a list of groups who are organizing around Redistricting in this state.
Open Democracy Action
- Website: opendemocracyaction.org
- Mission:
Open Democracy Action’s mission is to bring about and safeguard political equality for the people of New Hampshire. This will only happen through an open, accountable, and trusted democratic government, “of, by, and for the people,” that is free from the corrupting influence of big-money politics and control.
Kent Street Coalition
- Website: kentstreetcoalition.org
- Mission:
Kent Street Coalition is an all-volunteer, grassroots advocacy organization founded in December 2016.
League of Women Voters of New Hampshire
- Website: lwvnh.org
- Mission:
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging the informed and active participation of citizens in government. The League influences public policy through education and advocacy. We never support or oppose any political party or candidate
Granite State Progress
- Website: granitestateprogress.org
- Mission:
Our mission is to provide a strong, credible voice in advancing progressive solutions to critical community problems.
Contribute to this list
Are you an organization or know of an organization that’s not listed here? let us know so we can add it to this page!
Access the redistricting process in this state
Participate by accessing the online resources to submit public testimony and maps, follow or register to attend upcoming meetings, and view past meeting notes and recordings.
ParticipateSpecial thanks to our volunteers for their hard work collecting information for this resource!