Find out who is organizing around Redistricting in your state.
This is a list of groups who are organizing around Redistricting in this state.
League of Women Voters of Kansas
- Website: lwvk.org
- Mission:
The League of Women Voters of Kansas is a grassroots, volunteer, non-partisan political organization with nine local Leagues across the state. For nearly 100 years, LWVK has encouraged the informed and active participation of citizens in government and has influenced public policy through education and advocacy.
Mainstream Coalition
- Website: mainstreamcoalition.org
- Mission:
The Mainstream Coalition is dedicated to creating a more representative and responsive government by empowering informed participation and meaningful action in the political process. We envision a Kansas political system that represents all of its constituents.
KS Fair Maps Coalition
- Website: ksfairmaps.org
- Mission:
The KS Fair Maps Coalition is a nonpartisan grassroots education and engagement effort by organizations and individuals who want to see an equitable redistricting process that: is accessible to all Kansans and allows for meaningful participation regardless of location, ability, language, etc.; is free of partisan tactics and bias; results in districts of equal population based on constitution, law, and communities of interest
Contribute to this list
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Access the redistricting process in this state
Participate by accessing the online resources to submit public testimony and maps, follow or register to attend upcoming meetings, and view past meeting notes and recordings.
ParticipateSpecial thanks to our volunteers for their hard work collecting information for this resource!