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Choose Your Own Mapping Tool

Use this guide to find software and applications to use our data to draw Community of Interest and District maps for this redistricting cycle

Racially Polarized Voting Case Tool

Racially Polarized Voting (RPV) analysis is important for assessing compliance with the Voting Rights Act and is a central question in vote dilution cases.

Public Access to State Redistricting Processes

Participate by accessing the online resources to submit public testimony and maps, follow or register to attend upcoming meetings, and view past meeting notes and recordings.

Organizations Involved in the Redistricting Process

Find out what groups are organizing around Redistricting nationally and by state

Redistricting Readiness Checklist

This guide is aimed at helping you familiarize yourself with the knowledge needed to effectively participate in the redistricting cycle by linking you to information and resources at each step of the way.


Tools and resources to help guide you through the Redistricting process, and other ongoing projects by the Redistricting Data Hub team.