Louisiana 2023 Primary and General Election Precinct-Level Results with Demographics ## RDH Date Retrieval 01/23/24 ## Sources Election results and precinct boundaries from Louisiana Secretary of State, joined and hosted on the Redistricting Data Hub website [here](https://redistrictingdatahub.org/dataset/louisiana-2023-primary-and-general-election-precinct-level-results-and-boundaries/) with demographic data from the US Census PL 94-171 release. ## Fields: Detailed field descriptions are available on the README for the [joined precinct-boundary and election results file](https://redistrictingdatahub.org/dataset/louisiana-2023-primary-and-general-election-precinct-level-results-and-boundaries/) and for the demographic data, on the "Fields and Descriptions" page on the Redistricting Data Hub website. ## Processing Steps Visit the RDH GitHub and the processing script for this code [here](https://github.com/nonpartisan-redistricting-datahub/Processing-Requests). Please direct questions related to processing this dataset to info@redistrictingdatahub.org.