2022 Congressional Districts with Total Population from Census PL file 10/18/22 ## RDH Retrieval Date 10/18/22 ## Sources [National BAF for 2022 Districts](https://redistrictingdatahub.org/dataset/national-block-assignment-file-for-2022-state-legislative-and-congressional-districts/) ## Fields **Fields** **Descriptions** STATE State abbreviation DISTRICT District Number (or AT-LARGE where applicable) CONG-ID Unique ID which combines state abbreviation and district number P0010001 2020 Census total population ## Processing Steps: Processing steps are shown on the Jupyter report [here](https://github.com/nonpartisan-redistricting-datahub/Processing-Requests/tree/main/Updated_District_Pops_10_18_2022). ## Additional Notes Some states adjust their redistricting data and use that adjusted data for drawing congressional districts, those districts' populations can be found on the RDH website. A full "raw-from-source" file is also available upon request. Please email info@redistrictingdatahub.org for more info.