2021 Maine Senate Districts Plan (State Legislative Districts Upper [SLDU]) ##Redistricting Data Hub (RDH) Retrieval Date 10/17/2022 ##Sources This dataset was retrieved from the [State of Maine](https://maine.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/7f622be56e9a46eb9a09f323ca45c700/explore?location=45.107370%2C-68.974255%2C7.82) The data was extracted as a shapefile. The RDH retrieved the data from the source listed and did not modify any of the data. ##Additional Notes Enclosed in this zip file the shapefile for Maine's Senate Districts ("Maine_Voting_Districts_2021_State_Senate.shp"), and supporting files. To keep track of a state's adopted maps, go to All About Redistricting https://redistricting.lls.edu/ For any additional questions, please email info@redistrictingdatahub.org