2020 Louisiana Correctional facility shapefile from the 2020 PL 94-171 Data Summary File ##Redistricting Data Hub (RDH) Retrieval Date 10/04/21 ##Sources Prison Gerrymandering Project (PPI) 2020 Correctional facility shapefile https://www.prisonersofthecensus.org/data/2020/correctional_facility_shapefile.html 2020 Census Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) block level Shapefiles were retrieved from Redistricting Data Hub (RDH) on 10/04/21 from https://redistrictingdatahub.org through the Census Bureau ##Fields Field Name Description 0 block This 4 digit code is the number for each block. (Note that block numbers are only unique within each tract.) 1 state This is the 2 digit ANSI code (formerly FIPS) for the state. 2 county This is the 3 digit ANSI code for the county. 3 GEOID20 This 15 digit code is the ANSI code (formerly FIPS) for each block in the country. 4 statename This is the name of the state containing that block. 5 countyname This is the name of the county containing that block. 6 totalpop This is the number of people in the block, from the PL94-171 file, Table 1. 7 gqpop Population in group quarters - all, from the PL94-171 file, Table 5 8 instpop Population in institutionalized group quarters - all, from the PL94-171 file, Table 5 9 corrpop Population in institutionalized group quarters - correctional facilities, from the PL94-171 file, Table 5 10 juvpop Population in institutionalized group quarters - juvenile, from the PL94-171 file, Table 5 11 nurspop Population in institutionalized group quarters - nursing homes, from the PL94-171 file, Table 5 12 otherinstp Population in other institutionalized group quarters - other, from the PL94-171 file, Table 5 13 noninstpop Population in non-institutionalized group quarters - all, from the PL94-171 file, Table 5 14 collegepop Population in non-institutionalized group quarters - college dorms, from the PL94-171 file, Table 5 15 militarypo Population in non-institutionalized group quarters - military quarters, from the PL94-171 file, Table 5 16 othernonin Population in non-institutionalized group quarters - other, from the PL94-171 file, Table 5 17 lati This is the latitude of the centroid of the block. 18 longi This is the longitude of the centroid of the block. 19 URL URL to that block's entry in the Prison Policy Initiative's database of annotations of facilities. 20 coordinate This is the latitude and longitude of the centroid of the block 21 geometry This is the geometry of the block ##Processing Correctional facility data for Louisiana was retrieved with a python script from the Prison Gerrymandering Project (PPI). The data is available nationally for the Block Level. To extract the data for Louisiana the national data was grouped by state and then extracted to a new file for each state. The data was merged with the block level shapefile Processing was primarily completed using the pandas and geopandas libraries. ##Additional Notes For more information on the data see the PPI page at:https://www.prisonersofthecensus.org/data/2020/correctional_facility_shapefile.html Please direct questions related to processing this dataset to info@redistrictingdatahub.org