North Dakota 2020 precinct shapefile with 2016 and 2018 election results. Please note that this file has multiple years of election results on a single precinct shapefile. The RDH has not confirmed whether the precincts on this file represent the geographies that were used for every year of election results on this file. ## RDH Date retrieval 07/14/2021 ## Sources MGGG does not provide their sources for this file. ## Fields The following fields are in the file, which MGGG has not provided a readme for: GEOID20 PRECINCT G16USSOWRI G16AUDRGAL G16INSLBAT G16PSCOWRI G16USSLMAR G16INSOWRI G16AUDLRIE G16INSRGOD G16GOVLRIS G16HALRCRA G16PSCDHUN G16GOVDNEL G16TREDMAT STATEFP COUNTYFP G16TREOWRI G16GOVOWRI G16PREOWRI G16PSCLSKA G16USSDGLA G16USSIGER G16TRERSCH G16PSCRFED G16PRELJOH G16GOVRBUR G16AUDOWRI G16HALOWRI G16PREDCLI G16HALDIRO NAME G16TRELOLS G16PRERTRU G16PREGSTE G16USSRHOE G16HALLSEA G16INSDBUF G16PRECCAS G16PREOFUE VTDST G18USSRCRA G18PSCRCHR G18USSDHEI G18PSCDBRA FUNCSTAT20 INTPTLAT20 G18AGRRGOE G18ATGOWRI G18SOSICOA G18HALITUT LSAD20 COUNTYFP20 INTPTLON20 G18AGROWRI G18PSCRKRO AWATER20 ALAND20 NAME20 G18PSCOWR2 G18ATGDTHO G18AGRDDOT NAMELSAD20 VTDST20 G18HALDSCH STATEFP20 G18ATGRSTE G18PSCOWRI G18USSOWRI G18HALRARM G18HALOWRI VTDI20 MTFCC20 G18SOSDBOS G18PSCDBUC G18SOSOWRI G18SOSIJAE G18TAXRRAU G18TAXOWRI G18TAXDOVE TOTPOP19 TOTPOP10 HCVAP19 HPOP19 HPOP10 NHPOP19 NHPICVAP19 NHPIPOP19 NHCVAP19 NHPOP10 2MORECVAP1 2MOREPOP19 2MOREPOP10 ASIANPOP19 ASIANCVAP1 ASIANPOP10 AMINCVAP19 AMINPOP19 AMINPOP10 BCVAP19 BPOP19 BPOP10 NHPIPOP10 WCVAP19 WPOP19 WPOP10 CVAP19 geometry Projection This shapefile uses a NAD83/Alaska Albers projection or EPSG: 4269. ## Processing Steps MGGG has not yet provided processing steps for this file. Contact for more information.