Iowa county shapefile with 2000 to 2016 election results. Please note that this file has multiple years of election results on a single county shapefile. The RDH has not confirmed whether the counties on this file represent the geographies that were used for every year of election results on this file. ## RDH Date retrieval 08/12/2020 ## Sources The county shapefile comes from the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles. 2010 Decennial Census demographic data were downloaded from American FactFinder. County level election data for presidential elections since 2000 were obtained from the MIT Elections Data and Science Lab. The Congressional district shapefile was obtained from the Iowa Legislature. ## Fields STATEFP10: State FIPS code COUNTYFP: County FIPS GEOID10: State and county FIPS NAME10: County name NAMELSAD: County legal and statistical name ALAND10: Area land in square meters AWATER10: Area water in square meters INTPTLAT10: Latitude of internal point INTPTLON10: Longitude of internal point TOTPOP: Total population NH_WHITE: White, non-hispanic, population NH_BLACK: Black, non-hispanic, population NH_AMIN: American Indian and Alaska Native, non-hispanic, population NH_ASIAN: Asian, non-hispanic, population NH_NHPI: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, non-hispanic, population NH_OTHER: Other race, non-hispanic, population NH_2MORE: Two or more races, non-hispanic, population HISP: Hispanic population H_WHITE: White, hispanic, population H_BLACK: Black, hispanic, population H_AMIN: American Indian and Alaska Native, hispanic, population H_ASIAN: Asian, hispanic, population H_NHPI: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, hispanic, population H_OTHER: Other race, hispanic, population H_2MORE: Two or more races, hispanic, population VAP: Total voting age population HVAP: Hispanic voting age population WVAP: White, non-hispanic, voting age population BVAP: Black, non-hispanic, voting age population AMINVAP: American Indian and Alaska Native, non-hispanic, voting age population ASIANVAP: Asian, non-hispanic, voting age population NHPIVAP: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, non-hispanic, voting age population OTHERVAP: Other race, non-hispanic, voting age population 2MOREVAP: Two or more races, non-hispanic, voting age population TOTVOT00: Number of votes cast in 2000 presidential race PRES00D: Number of votes for 2000 Democratic presidential candidate PRES00R: Number of votes for 2000 Republican presidential candidate PRES00G: Number of votes for 2000 Green Party presidential candidate PRES00OTH: Number of votes for 2000 other presidential candidates TOTVOT04: Number of votes cast in 2004 presidential race PRES04D: Number of votes for 2004 Democratic presidential candidate PRES04R: Number of votes for 2004 Republican presidential candidate PRES04OTH: Number of votes for 2004 other presidential candidates TOTVOT08: Number of votes cast in 2008 presidential race PRES08D: Number of votes for 2008 Democratic presidential candidate PRES08R: Number of votes for 2008 Republican presidential candidate PRES08OTH: Number of votes for 2008 other presidential candidates TOTVOT12: Number of votes cast in 2012 presidential race PRES12D: Number of votes for 2012 Democratic presidential candidate PRES12R: Number of votes for 2012 Republican presidential candidate PRES12OTH: Number of votes for 2012 other presidential candidates TOTVOT16: Number of votes cast in 2016 presidential race PRES16D: Number of votes for 2016 Democratic presidential candidate PRES16R: Number of votes for 2016 Republican presidential candidate PRES16OTH: Number of votes for 2016 other presidential candidates CD: Congressional district ID ## Processing Steps Election data from the MIT Elections Data and Science Lab was cleaned by MGGG staff in order to join it to the county shapefile. Demographic data were joined to the county shapefile in QGIS. ## Additional Notes Rating from MGGG: We give this shapefile an A rating. All data was obtained through the state government and was processed by MGGG staff.