2014 Providence City Council ward shapefile. ## RDH Date Retrieval 08/12/2020 ## Sources The 2010 census block shapefile for Rhode Island was downloaded from the US Census Bureau’s [TIGER/Line Shapefiles](https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/tiger-line-file.html). 2010 Decennial Census demographic data were downloaded from the [Census API](https://api.census.gov/data/2010/dec/sf1). The 2014 Providence City Council ward shapefile was obtained from the [Providence Open Data Portal](https://performance.providenceri.gov/dataset/Wards-2014/mj5h-cv6e). ## Fields * `STATEFP10`: State FIPS code * `COUNTYFP10`: County FIPS code * `TRACTCE10`: Census tract FIPS code * `BLOCKCE10`: Census block FIPS code * `GEOID10`: Unique Identifier * `NAME10`: Census block name * `ALAND10`: Land area in square meters * `AWATER10`: Water area in square meters * `INTPTLAT10`: Latitude of internal point * `INTPTLON10`: Longitude of internal point * `TOTPOP`: Total population * `NH_WHITE`: White, non-hispanic, population * `NH_BLACK`: Black, non-hispanic, population * `NH_AMIN`: American Indian and Alaska Native, non-hispanic, population * `NH_ASIAN`: Asian, non-hispanic, population * `NH_NHPI`: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, non-hispanic, population * `NH_OTHER`: Other race, non-hispanic, population * `NH_2MORE`: Two or more races, non-hispanic, population * `HISP`: Hispanic population * `VAP`: Total voting age population * `HVAP`: Hispanic voting age population * `WVAP`: White, non-hispanic, voting age population * `BVAP`: Black, non-hispanic, voting age population * `AMINVAP`: American Indian and Alaska Native, non-hispanic, voting age population * `ASIANVAP`: Asian, non-hispanic, voting age population * `NHPIVAP`: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, non-hispanic, voting age population * `OTHERVAP`: Other race, non-hispanic, voting age population * `2MOREVAP`: Two or more races, non-hispanic, voting age population * `WARD`: Providence City Council Ward ID ## Processing Steps Blocks were assigned to wards using [MGGG’s proration software](https://github.com/mggg/maup).