Oklahoma precinct shapefile with election results from 2018. ## RDH Date retrieval 08/12/2020 ## Sources This precinct shapefile was obtained from the Oklahoma Data Warehouse hosted by the Center for Spatial Analysis at the University of Oklahoma. Election results come from the Oklahoma State Election Board. 2010 Decennial Census demographic data were downloaded from the Census API. The 2010 census block shapefile as well as congressional and state legislative districts for Oklahoma were downloaded from the US Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line Shapefiles. ## Fields PRECINCT: Precinct code COUNTY: County code CNTYNAME: County Name CNTYFIPS: County FIPS code PRECODE: County code and precinct code AG18D: Number of votes for 2018 Democratic attorney general candidate AG18R: Number of votes for 2018 Republican attorney general candidate AUD18L: Number of votes for 2018 Libertarian state auditor candidate AUD18R: Number of votes for 2018 Republican state auditor candidate GOV18D: Number of votes for 2018 Democratic gubernatorial candidate GOV18R: Number of votes for 2018 Republican gubernatorial candidate LG18D: Number of votes for 2018 Democratic lieutenant governor candidate LG18R: Number of votes for 2018 Republican lieutenant governor candidate TRE18I: Number of votes for 2018 Independant treasurer candidate TRE18R: Number of votes for 2018 Republican treasurer candidate USH18D: Number of votes for 2018 Democratic US house candidates USH18R: Number of votes for 2018 Republican US house candidates TOTPOP: Total population NH_WHITE: White, non-hispanic, population NH_BLACK: Black, non-hispanic, population NH_AMIN: American Indian and Alaska Native, non-hispanic, population NH_ASIAN: Asian, non-hispanic, population NH_NHPI: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, non-hispanic, population NH_OTHER: Other race, non-hispanic, population NH_2MORE: Two or more races, non-hispanic, population HISP: Hispanic population H_WHITE: White, hispanic, population H_BLACK: Black, hispanic, population H_AMIN: American Indian and Alaska Native, hispanic, population H_ASIAN: Asian, hispanic, population H_NHPI: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, hispanic, population H_OTHER: Other race, hispanic, population H_2MORE: Two or more races, hispanic, population VAP: Total voting age population HVAP: Hispanic voting age population WVAP: White, non-hispanic, voting age population BVAP: Black, non-hispanic, voting age population AMINVAP: American Indian and Alaska Native, non-hispanic, voting age population ASIANVAP: Asian, non-hispanic, voting age population NHPIVAP: Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, non-hispanic, voting age population OTHERVAP: Other race, non-hispanic, voting age population 2MOREVAP: Two or more races, non-hispanic, voting age population CD: Congressional district ID SEND: State Senate district ID HDIST: State House district ID Projection This shapefile uses a NAD83/UTM zone 13N projection (EPSG: 2957) ## Processing Steps Oklahoma reports absentee and early votes at the precinct level for every county except for Oklahoma County and Tulsa County, where non-election day votes are reported for the whole county. For those two counties, absentee and early votes were disaggregated to the precinct level by population. Demographic data were aggregated from the block level and precincts were assigned to congressional and state legislative districts using MGGG’s proration software. Precincts for Pushmataha County were digitized to conform to a map provided by the county. .