American Community Survey (ACS) Select Variables for Georgia for the years 2015-2019 at the County level ##Redistricting Data Hub (RDH) Retrieval Date 12/16/20 ##Sources ACS data retrieved using the Census API: Boundary shapefile retrieved from the Census Cartographic Boundary File website: ##Fields Field Name Description 0 GEOID Unique identifier 1 NAME Full Geographic Name of the County 2 STATE Name of the State 3 COUNTY Name of the County 4 TOTPOP19 Total population estimate(B01003_001E) 5 TOTPOPMOE Total population margin of error (B01003_001M) 6 N_HISP19 Total Not Hispanic or Latino population estimate(B03003_002E) 7 N_HISPMOE Total Not Hispanic or Latino population margin of error(B03003_002M) 8 WHT_NH19 White alone, Not Hispanic or Latino estimate (B03002_003E) 9 WHT_NHMOE White alone, Not Hispanic or Latino margin of error (B03002_003M) 10 BLK_NH19 Black or African American alone, Not Hispanic or Latino estimate (B03002_004E) 11 BLK_NHMOE Black or African American alone, Not Hispanic or Latino margin of error(B03002_004M) 12 HISP19 Total Hispanic or Latino population estimate(B03003_003E) 13 HISPMOE Total Hispanic or Latino population margin of error (B03003_003M) 14 WHT_H19 White alone, Hispanic or Latino estimate(B03002_013E) 15 WHT_HMOE White alone, Hispanic or Latino margin of error (B03002_013M) 16 BLK_H19 Black or African American alone, Hispanic or Latino estimate (B03002_014E) 17 BLK_HMOE Black or African American alone, Hispanic or Latino margin of error (B03002_014M) 18 BLK_ALL19 Black or African American alone or in combination with one or more other races estimate (B02009_001E) 19 BLK_ALLMOE Black or African American alone or in combination with one or more other races margin of error (B02009_001M) 20 AIA_ALL19 American Indian and Alaska Native alone or in combination with one or more other races estimate (B02010_001E) 21 AIA_ALLMOE American Indian and Alaska Native alone or in combination with one or more other races margin of error (B02010_001M) 22 ASN_ALL19 Asian alone or in combination with one or more other races estimate (B02011_001E) 23 ASN_ALLMOE Asian alone or in combination with one or more other races margin or error (B02011_001M) 24 NHP_ALL19 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination with one or more other races estimate (B02012_001E) 25 NHP_ALLMOE Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination with one or more other races margin of error (B02012_001M) 26 OTH_ALL19 Some Other Race alone or in combination with one or more other races estimate (B02013_001E) 27 OTH_ALLMOE Some Other Race alone or in combination with one or more other races margin of error (B02013_001M) 28 C_USB19 U.S. citizen, born in the United States estimate (B05001_002E) 29 C_USBMOE U.S. citizen, born in the United States margin of error (B05001_002M) 30 C_USTER19 U.S. citizen, born in Puerto Rico or U.S. Island Areas estimate (B05001_003E) 31 C_USTERMOE U.S. citizen, born in Puerto Rico or U.S. Island Areas margin of error (B05001_003M) 32 C_USBAB19 U.S. citizen, born abroad of American parent(s) estimate (B05001_004E) 33 C_USBABMOE U.S. citizen, born abroad of American parent(s) margin of error (B05001_004M) 34 C_NATRL19 U.S. citizen, by naturalization estimate (B05001_005E) 35 C_NATRLMOE U.S. citizen, by naturalization margin of error (B05001_005M) 36 N_CTZN19 Not a U.S. citizen estimate (B05001_006E) 37 N_CTZNMOE Not a U.S. citizen margin of error (B05001_006M) 38 ENG_ONL19 Speak only English at home estimate (B06007_002E) 39 ENG_ONLMOE Speak only English at home margin of error (B06007_002M) 40 SPNSH19 Speak Spanish at home estimate (B06007_003E) 41 SPNSHMOE Speak Spanish at home margin of error (B06007_003M) 42 S_ENG_W19 Speak Spanish at home and speak English "very well" estimate (B06007_004E) 43 S_ENG_WMOE Speak Spanish at home and speak English "very well" margin of error (B06007_004M) 44 S_ENG_L19 Speak Spanish at home and speak English less than "very well" estimate (B06007_005E) 45 S_ENG_LMOE Speak Spanish at home and speak English less than "very well" margin of error (B06007_005M) 46 OTHRLNG19 Speak a language other than English or Spanish at home estimate (B06007_006E) 47 OTHRLNGMOE Speak a language other than English or Spanish at home margin of error (B06007_006M) 48 O_ENG_W19 Speak a language other than English or Spanish at home and speak English "very well" estimate (B06007_007E) 49 O_ENG_WMOE Speak a language other than English or Spanish at home and speak English "very well" margin of error (B06007_007M) 50 O_ENG_L19 Speak a language other than English or Spanish at home and speak English less than "very well" estimate (B06007_008E) 51 O_ENG_LMOE Speak a language other than English or Spanish at home and speak English less than "very well" margin of error (B06007_008M) 52 STATEFP State FIPS Code ##Processing ACS data for Georgia was retrieved with a python script from the Census. The data is available statewide. The selected variables were extracted from the ACS Census API. Each field represents either an estimate or margin of error for a particular variable. The fields were renamed to fit character length requirements. The shapefile was zipped into a folder with supporting geospatial files and this README. Processing was primarily completed using the pandas library. The tabular data for Georgia was joined with geospatial data from Census TIGER files on the unique identifier field (GEOID) and extracted as a shapefile. For the shapefile of this dataset, the processing for the join used pandas and geopandas libraries. ##Additional Notes For more information on variables available in the Census API and the particular table numbers see: These variables were selected because of their potential relevance to redistricting. For more information on the geospatial data, please refer to the Census Cartographic Boundary link above. The ACS shapefile for Georgia is available in NAD83 projection.